本會於2023年8月30日舉行特別會員大會通過更改本會名稱,及後已取得公司註冊處批准,本會之中英文名稱由「香港智障人士體育協會」及「Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability」更改為「中國香港智障人士體育協會」及「Hong Kong, China Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability」。
而本會的中英文縮寫、網址及電郵均維持不變,敬請留意。如有任何查詢,請電2161 9500或電郵至adm@hksapid.org.hk與本會聯絡。
A Special Resolution was passed in the Extraordinary General Meeting of our Association held on 30 August 2023. With the approval of Companies Registry, the Chinese and English names of our Association have been changed from “香港智障人士體育協會” and “Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability” to “中國香港智障人士體育協會” and “Hong Kong, China Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability”.
The abbreviation, official website and emails of the Association remain unchanged. Should you have any queries, please contact us at 2161 9500 or by email adm@hksapid.org.hk.