教育局宣佈11月19日 (星期二) 所有學校繼續停課,有鑑於交通狀況仍然難以預測,為確保運動員和參加者的安全,本會將取消本星期(11月19-24日)的所有活動及訓練班 (精英A隊訓練班除外,運動員將收到個別通知)。
如有查詢,歡迎於辦公時間內致電2161 9500與本會職員聯絡。
The Education Bureau has announced the suspension of classes of all schools continues on 19 November. In light of the unpredictable traffic conditions observed in recent days and to ensure our athletes and participants' safety, all activities and training classes (except Elite Team A, athletes will receive individual notification on training) will be suspended this week (19-24 November).
If you have any enquiries, please contact us at 2161 9500 during office hour.